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David Blumenthal, MD, MPP
President, The Commonwealth Fund, Former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Former Chief Health Information and Innovation Officer, Partners Healthcare System, Washington, DC

Richard J. Bringewatt
Co-founder and President, National Health Policy Group, Co-founder and Chair, SNP Alliance, Co-founded and Former President and CEO, National Chronic Care Consortium, Washington, DC

Patricia M.C. Brown, JD
Senior Vice President, Managed Care and Population Health, Johns Hopkins Medicine; President, Johns Hopkins HealthCare LLC, Former Assistant Attorney General, Maryland Office of the Attorney General, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Former Counsel, Maryland Medical Assistance Program, Baltimore, MD

Joseph F. Damore, FACHE
Vice President, Population Health Management, Premier Inc., Washington, DC

Susan Dentzer
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Network for Excellence in Health Innovation, Analyst on Health Policy, The NewsHour, Washington, DC

Amy Frankowski, MD
Physician Executive Leader and Senior Medical Director Population Health, Mercy Health — Mercy Health, (Formerly Catholic Health Partners), Cincinnati, OH

Ellie Hollander
President and Chief Executive Officer, Meals on Wheels America, Former Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President of Business Development, Good360, Former Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer, AARP, Washington, DC

Robert Mirsky, MD, MMM
Vice President, Medical Operations and Chief Medical Officer, Medicare, Aetna, New York, NY

Mark Newsom, MSc
Vice President, Public Policy Analysis, Humana, Former Director Public Policy, CVS Health, Former Director, Division of Payment Reconciliation, CMS, Washington, DC

Peggy O’Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC

Phil Oravetz, MD
Medical Director, Accountable Care, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, Former Senior Medical Director, Mills Peninsula Medical Group, Former Chief Medical Officer, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, New Orleans, LA

Kavita Patel, MD
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, Member, Physician-Focused Payment, Model Technical Advisory Committee, Former Director of Policy, The White House, Former Senior Advisor, Senator Edward Kennedy, Washington, DC

Ashok Rai, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Prevea Health, Green Bay, WI

Thomas A. Scully, Esq.
General Partner, Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, Senior Counsel, Alston & Bird LLP, Former Administrator, CMS, Former President and CEO, Federation of American Hospitals, Washington, DC

Donato Tramuto
Chief Executive Officer, Tivity Health (Silver Sneakers), Former Chief Executive Officer, Healthways, Nashville, TN

Tim Engelhardt
Director, Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Former Deputy Director, Long-Term Care Financing, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Washington, DC

Cara James, PhD
Director, Office of Minority Health, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Former Director, Disparities Policy Project and Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Baltimore, MD

Stephen Z. Jenkins, MPP
Lead, Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Alexandria, VA

Michael S. Adelberg
Senior Director, FaegreBD Consulting, Former Director, Medicare Advantage Operations, Former Director, Insurance Programs Group, Former Acting Director, Exchange Policy and Operations Group, CMS, Washington, DC

Derek L. Asay
Senior Director, Government Strategy, Federal Accounts and Quality, Eli Lilly and Company, New York, NY

G. Lawrence Atkins, PhD
Executive Director, Long-Term Quality Alliance, Former Executive Director, US Public Policy, Merck, Former Deputy Staff Director and Republican Staff Director, US Senate Special Committee on Aging, Washington, DC

Kelli Back, Esq.
Attorney, Law Offices of Mark S. Joffe, Washington DC

Joe Baker, JD
President, Medicare Rights Center, Adjunct Professor, New York University School of Law, Former Deputy Secretary, New York Department of Health, New York, NY

Carrie Barker-Settles
Director, Sales and Marketing Services, Gorman Health Group, Former Arizona and Colorado Sales Director, UnitedHeath Group, Denver, CO

Julie Billman
Vice President of Operational Performance, Gorman Health Group, Former Director of Product and Regulatory Analysis, Capital BlueCross, Former Director of Compliance, Coventry Health Care, Harrisburg, PA

T. Laurence Blosser, MD
Corporate Medical Director, Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians, Westerville, OH

Steven Blumberg, MBA
President, Omega Health Strategies, Inc., Former Senior Vice President and Executive Director, Geisinger Health System, AtlantiCare Division, Former VP, Planning and Business Development, Shands Healthcare, Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Gary Capistrant, MA
Chief Policy Officer, American Telemedicine Association, Former Staff Director, State Medicaid Directors Association, Former Health Legislative Assistant, Rep. Jim Corman, Washington, DC

Joyce Chan
Vice President, Population Health Strategy, Healthfirst, New York, NY

Gordon Chen, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ChenMed, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Robb Cohen, MBA
Vice President, Government Affairs, PopHealthCare (; Former Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Health Collaborative, Former Chief Government Affairs Officer, XLHealth, Baltimore, MD

Donald H. Crane, JD
President and Chief Executive Officer, CAPG, Los Angeles, CA

Daniel E. Dawes, JD
Executive Director, Government Relations, Policy and External Affairs, Morehouse School of Medicine, Former Health Law and Policy Advisor, Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, United States Senate, Atlanta, GA

Scott W. Disch, MPH
National Practice Leader, Privia Health, Arlington, VA

Lynn F. Dong, FSA, MAAA
Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Inc., Seattle, WA

Robert W. Dubois, MD, PhD
Chief Science Officer, National Pharmaceutical Council, Washington, DC

A. Mark Fendrick, MD
Professor, Division of General Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Health Management, Policy Director, Center for Value-Based Insurance Design, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Helaine I. Fingold, Esq.
Senior Counsel, Health Care and Life Sciences Practice, Epstein Becker Green, Former Team Lead on MA Applications and Contracts, Former Senior Technical/Policy Lead, Rates & Benefits Branch, CCIIO, CMS, Baltimore, MD

Doug Fulton
Vice President, Government Quality, Highmark, Inc.

Jane Galvin
Director, Regulatory Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Washington DC

Kristin Gasteazoro
Vice President, Payer Sales, novuhealth, St. Louis Park, MN

Jane Gilbert
Director of Retiree Health, Kentucky Retired Teachers Association, Louisville, KY

John Gorman
Founder and Executive Chairman, Gorman Health Group, Former Assistant to the Director, Office of Managed Care, HCFA, Washington, DC

James Gutman
Former Vice President and Managing Editor, Atlantic Information Services, Former Editor, Medicare Advantage News, Laurel, MD

Jonathan Harding, MD
Chief Medical Officer for Senior Products, Tufts Health Plan, Boston, MA

Tara O’Neill Hayes, MPP
Health Care Policy Analyst, American Action Forum, Legislative Assistant, Congressman Tom Rice, Congressman Tim Scott and Congressman Gresham Barrett, US House of Representatives, Washington, DC

Chip Howard
Market Vice President and Payment Innovation Leader, Humana, Former Director, Accountable Care Organizations, WellPoint, Former Director, Provider Contracting Performance and Cost Analytics, Kaiser Permanente, Louisville, KY

Thomas E. Hutchinson, MPA
Strategic Advisor, EBG Advisors, Former Director, Medicare Plan Payment Group, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Baltimore, MD

Charro Knight-Lilly
Chief Sales Officer, Gorman Health Group, Washington DC

Christopher Kunkel, PhD, FSA, MAAA
Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Inc., Seattle, WA

John Lovelace, MS
President, Government Programs and Individual Advantage, UPMC Health Plan, Pittsburgh, PA

Richard Manning
Senior Vice President, Enterprise Clinic Operations, WellMed Medical Management, San Antonio, TX

Mara McDermott
Vice President of Federal Affairs, CAPG, Washington, DC

Timothy McNeill, RN, MPH
Director of Clinical Integration, YMCA, USA, Washington, DC

Steve Miller, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Express Scripts, Former Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

Andrew C. Mueller, FSA, MAAA
Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Milwaukee, WI

Marc Munk, MD, MHCM
Chief Medical Officer, Iora Health, Boston, MA

Margaret A. Murray, MPA
Founding Chief Executive Officer, Association for Community Affiliated Plans, Former Medicaid Director, State of New Jersey, Washington, DC

Tricia Neuman
Senior Vice President, Director, Program on Medicare Policy, Director, Project on Medicare’s Future, Kaiser Family Foundation, Washington, DC

Seemin Pasha
Vice President, External Affairs, Alliance of Community Health Plans, Former Director of Policy and Communications, Families USA, Washington, DC

Matt Poffenroth, MD, MBA
INOVA, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Medical Officer, Falls Church, VA

Gary A. Puckrein, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Minority Quality Forum, Executive Director, Alliance of Minority Medical Associations, Washington, DC

Luis Rivera
AVP Managed Care, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, NY

Nilsa Lennig Rudisill
Vice President of Sales & Marketing Services, Gorman Health Group, Former Vice President, Marketing, Arcadian Health Plan, Orlando, FL

Jaewon Ryu, MD, JD
Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Geisinger Health System, Former President of Integrated Care Delivery, Humana, Danville, PA

Stacy Sanders, MSW
Federal Policy Director, Medicare Rights Center, Former Director, National Neighbors Silver at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Former Director, Elder Economic Security Initiative, Wider Opportunities for Women, Washington, DC

Lois Simon, MPH
Executive Vice President, Policy and Programs, Seniorlink, Founder and Principal, Simon Solutions LLC, Former Co-Founder and President, Commonwealth Care Alliance, Former VP for Care Delivery Systems, Neighborhood Health Plan, Boston, MA

Melissa Smith
Vice President, Stars, Gorman Health Group, Former Director, Medicare Star Operations, Cigna-HealthSpring, Former Associate Director, Financial/Research Administration, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

Michelle K. Strollo, DrPH, MHS
Vice President, Health Care Department, NORC, Former Director, Eligibility and Enrollment, Policy and Operations Division, CCIIO, CMS, Washington, DC

Arati Swadi, MBA
Senior Director of Risk Adjustment Products, Inovalon, Bowie, MD

Christie Teigland, PhD
Vice President, Advanced Analytics, Avalere Health, Washington, DC

Matt Timm, FSA, MAAA
Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Brookfield, WI

Molly T. Turco, MPH
Director of Policy and Research, Better Medicare Alliance, Washington, DC

Helene Weinraub, MPH
Vice President, UPMC Health Plan, President, W Squared Health: Medicare Strategic Consultants, Former Senior Vice President Senior Products, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pittsburgh, PA

Steven Wood, MPP
Managing Partner, Clear View Solutions, Former Senior Vice President, Universal American, Former Senior Vice President and Managing Principal, OptumInsight, Chicago, IL

Ghita Worcester
Senior Vice President Public Affairs and Marketing, UCare Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN